The Orange Owl is based in the beautiful state of Vermont. The core mission of the company is to provide simple and environmentally friendly alternatives to essential products used regularly in our lives. 'Going Green' is not just a buzzword or about being fashionable to us. Instead, it is one of the vital components that goes into designing all our merchandise. We find the inspiration for our products in a myriad of places.
From the smell of early morning coffee with a hint of cinnamon, hikes along some of the most beautiful trails in New England, to a plethora of experiences in India, we have epiphanies all the time. This can result in some of the most random note taking known to man. However, it also results in the colors, scents and textures we offer on this website.
We have also not forgotten that as you move ahead in life, it is important to give back to society. To this end, we are involved with The Schooling Project, an organization in India that works towards financing the education of underprivileged children.
We believe that establishing a relationship with you is just as important as having you enjoy our products. After all, knowing the people behind the items you use regularly makes the purchase more personal. So, indulge and treat yourself. Leave your problems behind. Experience our products!

A strong base in education early on provides one with better opportunities throughout life. However, not all children have the access or the financial support to experience this difference. And in most countries with big social divides, kids who are not in school end up on the streets to support themselves and their families. This is where The Schooling Project comes into the picture.
Organized and run by a team of highly motivated individuals in India, The Schooling Project (link to www.theschoolingproject.com) provides avenues for children to gain the financial means necessary to stay in school. In addition to basic education, the team does a fantastic job of workshops with the children to build their confidence and helps them explore various technical fields including photography, film design and green design to name just a few.

Based on the current exchange rate, it costs only $75.00 to educate a child for one full year. Think about how easily we spend this amount in our lives on the would-be-nice-to-haves. Now, imagine what a difference this amount can make to that one child.
For every purchase made, The Orange Owl will donate 5% of the total sale to The Schooling Project. Join us in this endeavor and help make that difference!
Akshata Nayak was born and raised in the city of Bangalore in southern India. She moved to America for her graduate studies in late 2003, earning a Masters in Biochemistry and, a few years later, a Masters in Applied Clinical Nutrition (apparently one was just not enough). After working in basic research in the fields of Immunology and Emergency Medicine for six years, she decided to shift her focus.The Masters in Applied Clinical Nutrition was a step in that direction. It helped emphasize some basic policies of trying to establish a balance in people’s lives when it came to overall health.
Presently, she divides her time up as a nutritionist at Alternative Roots Wellness Center, a holistic health center started with her husband, and a handmade crafts business owner. She lives in Vermont, and loves to cook, read and repeatedly change the cushion covers in her living room. She is having the proverbial blast.

I would be lying, blatantly, if I said that this venture was started without any help or inspiration from other people. So here we go!
My grandparents – Pappa, Ajji and Mamama: For the best memories and bed-time stories. This site is dedicated to you.
My parents: For their unwavering confidence in me. More importantly, for admitting vocally, and usually in public forums, that I am their daughter.
My father-in-law: For being the inspiration behind the incredible line of The Orange Owl bath soaks.
Greg: I couldn’t be who I am if it wasn’t for you.
Alok and Priyanka: For giving me a kick on the rear when I needed one and did not know it myself. And for translating “Search Engine Optimization” into layman terms. And all your feedback about anything The Orange Owl. And for all your help with event designs. And for many many other things...
Rae: For my phenomenal packaging! And Jeff - Technology would be very scary without the two of you. Thank you very much for helping get The Orange Owl online! But nope. I am still not watching Arachnophobia.
Mayura: You created a monster. Now, deal with it!
To the two Nityas in my life: For my incredible logo, fabulous tea, actually understanding what “bright but earthy” meant, the umpteen morning walks, beautiful friendships, fantastic pictures, enormous amounts of patience, the faith, random phone conversations, all the encouragement/support/nagging, and making sure I kept working on this. You can multiply and divide that up between yourselves!
Abhay: For those hours of your life spent getting my brand name together, which you won’t get back. Ever.
Sohug: For being online whenever you were needed (which was mostly always – the being-needed part, not necessarily the being-online part!).
Sarah: For not yelling "Proof read what? Are you kidding me? I am in labor here!" when I kept badgering you to edit my posts. PS: You make a stunning model.
To the rest of my family and friends, who in the beginning, unknowingly, became guinea pigs for my products. Their hard work has helped finalize all the recipes.
To all my customers: For supporting me and the idea behind The Orange Owl. Thank you. Very much.