Food And Your Skin Health: The Fat Edition, Part II
The quality and quantity of fat intake in our food is vital for the health of our skin. Unfortunately, there is widespread confusion and...

What's In Your Skincare? The Dimethicone Edition
Polydimethylsiloxane or Dimethicone is a silicone based polymer used in cosmetics to treat dry or scaly skin and minor skin irritations....

What's In your Skincare? The Microbeads Edition
Illinois recently banned cosmetics that use microbeads as an exfoliant after studies found billions of them flowing into the Great Lakes...

Food and Your Skin Health: The Fat Edition, Part 1
Fats are some of the most maligned nutrients in the world! This has less to do with their properties and more with the confusion created...

What's In Your Skincare? The Parabens Edition
Parabens are a group of preservatives used widely in the food and cosmetic industry since the 1950s. Their low cost, efficacy, history of...